  1. ホーム
  2. Other
  3. shortcode4notes


短いコードで、Notesのオブジェクト(Lotus Scriptではクラスと呼称)を操作する事で、階層を理解しようとした履歴。

  1. メールデータベースのViewを列挙
  2. フィールド名を取得する
  3. メールを読み込み、各フィールドを取得する
  4. 添付ファイルを取得する
  5. DBを検索する
  6. 検索してヒットした文書を含むデータベースをワークスペースに開き、次いで文書を開く
  7. メール文書のUniversal IDを取得する
  8. Universal ID 指定でメール文書を開く
  9. 開かれている文書の情報・値を取得
  10. Viewのリストを取得する
  11. Formの名前とAliasを取得する
  12. 目的フォームのフィールドのリストを表示する
  13. Viewから、所属文書のItemのリストを取得する
  14. Database→指定View→フォームで開いた新規文書へのデータ入力
  15. 開いている文書を新規文書にコピーして、コピー先をいじる
  16. ショートカットのリンク先サーバー移行の援用
  17. 既存文書から新規文書にデータをアレンジしつつ写し移行処理を行う
  18. 文書構造(item list)をワークシートに書き出す。文書の状態によりitem数が変化するのを把握
  19. OLEとCOMの混在使用にトライ - データベース・文書構造をワークシートに書き出す。
  20. Notesでメール送信:直接送信版(人様のコード)と、編集状態で保留にする版

Const EMBED_OBJECT = 1453

Enum myNotesType
  ACTIONCD = 16      '保存済みアクション CD レコード (計算不可: 正規法)。
  ASSISTANTINFO = 17 '保存済みアシスタント情報 (計算不可: 正規法)。
  ATTACHMENT = 1084   '添付ファイル。
  AUTHORS = 1076      '作成者
  COLLATION = 2       'この値は Release 6 で新しく追加された。
  DATETIMES = 1024    '日時の値、または日時の値の範囲。
  EMBEDDEDOBJECT = 1090 '埋め込みオブジェクト。
  ERRORITEM = 256     'アイテムの種類へのアクセス中にエラーが発生したことを表す。
  Formula = 1536      'Notes 式。
  HTML = 21           'HTML ソーステキスト。
  Icon = 6            'アイコン。
  LSOBJECT = 20       'エージェント用の保存済み LotusScript オブジェクトコード。
  MIME_PART = 25      'MIME サポート。
  Names = 1074        '名前。
  NOTELINKS = 7       'データベース、ビュー、文書へのリンク。
  NOTEREFS = 4        '親文書への参照。
  NUMBERS = 768       '数値または数値リスト。
  OTHEROBJECT = 1085  'ほかのオブジェクト。
  QUERYCD = 15        '保存済み検索 CD レコード (計算不可: 正規法)。
  Readers = 1075      '読者。
  RICHTEXT = 1        'リッチテキスト。
  Signature = 8       '署名。
  Text = 1280         'テキストまたはテキストリスト。
  RFC822TEXT=1282     'RFC822 インターネットメールテキスト(って何?)
  UNAVAILABLE = 512   'アイテムの種類が無効であることを意味。
  UNKNOWN = 0         'アイテムの種類が分からないことを意味。
  USERDATA = 14       'ユーザーのデータ。
  UserId = 1792       'ユーザー ID の名前。
  VIEWMAPDATA = 18    '保存済み ViewMap データセット (計算不可: 正規法)。
  VIEWMAPLAYOUT = 19  '保存済み ViewMap レイアウト (計算不可: 正規法)。
End Enum

Sub setDictionary(myDic As Object)
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.ACTIONCD), "ACTIONCD,保存済みアクションCDレコード "
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.ASSISTANTINFO), "ASSISTANTINFO,保存済みアシスタント情報 (計算不可: 正規法)"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.ATTACHMENT), "ATTACHMENT,添付ファイル"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.AUTHORS), "AUTHORS,作成者"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.COLLATION), "COLLATION"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.DATETIMES), "DATETIMES,日時の値、または日時の値の範囲"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.EMBEDDEDOBJECT), "EMBEDDEDOBJECT,埋め込みオブジェクト"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.ERRORITEM), "ERRORITEM,アイテムアクセスエラー"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.Formula), "Formula,Notes 式"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.HTML), "HTML,HTMLソーステキスト"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.Icon), "Icon,アイコン"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.LSOBJECT), "LSOBJECT,エージェント用保存済LotusScriptオブジェクトコード"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.MIME_PART), "MIME_PART,MIME サポート"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.Names), "Names,名前"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.NOTELINKS), "NOTELINKS,データベース、ビュー、文書へのリンク"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.NOTEREFS), "NOTEREFS,親文書への参照"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.NUMBERS), " NUMBERS,数値または数値リスト"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.OTHEROBJECT), "OTHEROBJECT,ほかのオブジェクト"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.QUERYCD), "QUERYCD,保存済み検索 CD レコード (計算不可: 正規法)"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.Readers), "Readers,読者"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.RICHTEXT), "RICHTEXT,リッチテキスト"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.Signature), "Signature,署名"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.Text), "Text,テキストまたはテキストリスト"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.RFC822TEXT), "RFC822インターネットメールテキスト"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.UNAVAILABLE), "UNAVAILABLE,アイテムの種類が無効"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.UNKNOWN), "UNKNOWN,アイテムの種類が不明"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.USERDATA), "USERDATA,ユーザーのデータ"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.UserId), "UserId,ユーザー ID の名前"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.VIEWMAPDATA), "VIEWMAPDATA,保存済み ViewMap データセット (計算不可: 正規法)"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.VIEWMAPLAYOUT), "VIEWMAPlayout,保存済み ViewMap レイアウト (計算不可: 正規法)"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.EMBED_ATTACHMENT), "EMBED_ATTACHMENT,埋込添付ファイル"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.EMBED_OBJECT), "EMBED_OBJECT,埋込オブジェクト"
  myDic.Add CStr(myNotesType.EMBED_OBJECTLINK), "EMBED_OBJECTLINK,埋込オブジェクトリンク"
End Sub


Sub myGetViews()
    Dim session As Object, DB As Object
    Dim server As String, mailFile As String, user As String, usersig As String
    Dim items As Variant, docs As Variant, views As Variant
    Dim view As Object, doc As Object, item As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    user = session.UserName
    usersig = session.COMMONUSERNAME
    server = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailServer", True)
    mailFile = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailFile", True)
    Set DB = session.GETDATABASE(server, mailFile)
    If Not DB.IsOpen Then DB.OPENMAIL
    views = DB.views
    For i = LBound(views) To UBound(views)
      Debug.Print views(i).Name
    Next i
End Sub
'(Discussion Threads)
'(To do's\By Category)
'(To do's\By Status)


Sub myGetFieldName()
    Dim session As Object, DB As Object
    Dim server As String, mailFile As String, user As String, usersig As String
    Dim items As Variant, docs As Variant, views As Variant
    Dim view As Object, doc As Object, item As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    user = session.UserName
    usersig = session.COMMONUSERNAME
    server = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailServer", True)
    mailFile = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailFile", True)
    Set DB = session.GETDATABASE(server, mailFile)
    If Not DB.IsOpen Then DB.OPENMAIL
    Set view = DB.GETVIEW("($Inbox)")
    Set doc = view.GETFIRSTDOCUMENT
    items = doc.items
    For i = LBound(items) To UBound(items)
      Debug.Print items(i).Name, items(i).Type
    Next i
End Sub

'☆ 下記リストとあるのがくせ者。Variant型の配列を戻す。
'1    'RICHTEXT (1) はリッチテキストです。
'768  'NUMBERS (768) は数値または数値リストです。
'1024 'DATETIMES (1024) は日時の値、または日時の値の範囲です。
'1074 'NAMES (1074) は名前です。
'1280 'TEXT (1280) はテキストまたはテキストリストです。
'1282 'RFC822Text (1282) は RFC822 インターネットメールテキスト って何?
'ATTACHMENT (1084) は添付ファイルです。
'EMBEDDEDOBJECT (1090) は埋め込みオブジェクトです。

'Return_Path 1282
'Received 1282
'Received 1282
'Received_SPF 1282
'Received 1282
'$MessageID     1282
'From 1282
'SendTo 1282
'Subject 1282
'PostedDate 1282
'MIME_Version 1282
'ReplyTo 1282
'Errors_To 1282
'$Mailer        1282
'$SMTPNotFromNotes            1280
'$MIMETrack     1280
'$Hops          768
'DeliveredDate 1024
'MailPop3UIDL 1280
'$UpdatedBy     1074
'Body 1


Sub readMail()
    Dim session As Object, DB As Object
    Dim server As String, mailFile As String, user As String, usersig As String
    Dim items As Variant, docs As Variant, views As Variant
    Dim view As Object, doc As Object, item As Object, tempDoc As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Dim buf As Variant
    Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    user = session.UserName
    usersig = session.COMMONUSERNAME
    server = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailServer", True)
    mailFile = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailFile", True)
    Set DB = session.GETDATABASE(server, mailFile)
    If Not DB.IsOpen Then DB.OPENMAIL

    Set view = DB.GETVIEW("($Inbox)")
    Set doc = view.GETFIRSTDOCUMENT
    Do Until doc Is Nothing
        items = doc.items
        For i = 1 To UBound(items)
          Debug.Print Format(i, "0000") & " : " & items(i).Name,
          '注:直接 items(i).values(0) はエラーになる。
          buf = items(i).Values
          If items(i).Name = "Body" Then
'            Debug.Print Left(CStr(buf(0)), 255) 'Error 型違い
            Debug.Print Left(items(i).Text, 255)
            Debug.Print buf(0)
          End If
          DoEvents: DoEvents: DoEvents
        Next i
      Set doc = view.GETNEXTSIBLING(doc)
      'Set doc = view.GETNEXTDOCUMENT(doc) 'これでも可
End Sub


Sub getAttachment()
    Dim session As Object, DB As Object
    Dim server As String, mailFile As String, user As String, usersig As String
    Dim items As Variant, docs As Variant, views As Variant
    Dim view As Object, doc As Object, item As Object, RichTextBody As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Dim buf As Variant, attaches As Variant, attach As Object
    Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    user = session.UserName
    usersig = session.COMMONUSERNAME
    server = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailServer", True)
    mailFile = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailFile", True)
    Set DB = session.GETDATABASE(server, mailFile)
    If Not DB.IsOpen Then DB.OPENMAIL

    Set view = DB.GETVIEW("($Inbox)")
    Set doc = view.GETFIRSTDOCUMENT
    Do Until doc Is Nothing
      buf = doc.GETFIRSTITEM("Subject").Values
      'buf = doc.GETITEMVALUE("Subject") 'これでもOK
      Debug.Print buf(0)
      Set RichTextBody = doc.GETFIRSTITEM("Body")
      Debug.Print Left(RichTextBody.Text, 20)
      If doc.HASEMBEDDED Then
        attaches = Empty
        On Error Resume Next
        attaches = RichTextBody.EMBEDDEDOBJECTS
        On Error GoTo 0
        If IsArray(attaches) Then
          For i = LBound(attaches) To UBound(attaches)
            If attaches(i).Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT Then '1454
              Set attach = attaches(i)
              Debug.Print attach.Name
              attach.EXTRACTFILE "E:\" & attach.Name
              Set attach = Nothing
            End If
          Next i
        End If
      End If
      DoEvents: DoEvents: DoEvents
      Set doc = view.GETNEXTSIBLING(doc)
End Sub


Sub searchDBtest()
    Dim session As Object, DB As Object, doc As Object
    Dim server As String, mailFile As String, user As String, usersig As String
    Dim view As Object
    Dim notesDateTime As Object
    Dim FieldName As String
    Dim FieldContents As String
    Dim hitDocList As Object
    FieldName = "Subject"
    FieldContents = "楽天"
    Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    user = session.UserName
    usersig = session.COMMONUSERNAME
    server = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailServer", True)
    mailFile = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailFile", True)
    Set DB = session.GetDatabase(server, mailFile)
    If Not DB.IsOpen Then DB.OPENMAIL
    Set view = DB.GETVIEW("($Inbox)")
    Set notesDateTime = session.createdatetime("2012/12/1")
'    Set hitDocList = DB.SEARCH("@Contains(Subject; '楽天')", Nothing, 0)
    Set hitDocList = DB.search("@Contains(" & FieldName & "; '" & FieldContents & "')", notesDateTime, 0)
    Set doc = hitDocList.getfirstdocument
    Debug.Print hitDocList.Count
    Do Until doc Is Nothing
      Debug.Print doc.getitemvalue(FieldName)(0)
      Set doc = hitDocList.getnextdocument(doc)
    On Error Resume Next
    Set DB = Nothing
    Set session = Nothing
End Sub


Sub searchOpenUIdoc()
  Dim ws As Object
  Dim server As String, dbFile As String, viewName As String
  Dim session As Object, DB As Object, doc As Object
  Dim notesDateTime As Object
  Dim FieldName As String, FieldContents As String
  Dim hitDocList As Object, uidoc As Object
  FieldName = "Subject"
  FieldContents = "楽天"
  server = ""
  ' 実際にはメール以外のDBで使用したいため、汎用的な書き方にしている
  dbFile = "C:\Lotus\Notes\Data\mail\hoge.nsf"
  viewName = "($Inbox)"
  Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
  Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
  Set DB = session.GETDATABASE(server, dbFile)
  Set notesDateTime = session.CREATEDATETIME("2012/12/1")
  Set hitDocList = DB.Search("@Contains(" & FieldName & "; '" & FieldContents & "')", notesDateTime, 0)
  If hitDocList.Count > 0 Then
    Set doc = hitDocList.GETFIRSTDOCUMENT
    Call ws.OpenDatabase(server, dbFile, viewName)
    Set uidoc = ws.EDITDOCUMENT(True, doc, False)
  End If
  On Error Resume Next
  Set ws = Nothing
  Set session = Nothing
End Sub

'UNID(Universal Note ID) すべての文書に固有の識別子であり、データベースのロケーションや日時の情報は含まれません。 
'すべてのレプリカ上の同一文書は同じ UNID を保持します。 この識別子は文書を更新しても変化しません。(IBMの技術文書より)
'他に、文書のバージョン情報を示すOID(Originator ID),DBのロケーション情報を含むGNID(Global Note ID)
'DB内固有の文書のバージョン情報を表すIID(Instance ID), 前者+DBのロケーション情報を含むGIID(Global instance ID)


'メール文書のUniversal IDを取得する
Sub getUniversalID()
  Dim session As Object 'NotesSession
  Dim DB As Object 'NotesDatabase
  Dim view As Object 'NotesView
  Dim doc As Object 'NotesDocument
  Dim ws As Object 'NotesUIWorkspace
  Dim uiview As Object 'NotesUIView
  On Error GoTo errorHandle
  Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
  Set session = CreateObject("Notes.Notessession")
  Set view = DB.GETVIEW("($Inbox)")
  Set uiview = ws.CURRENTVIEW
  If Not uiview Is Nothing Then
    If uiview.view.Name = "($Inbox)" Then
      Set doc = view.GETFIRSTDOCUMENT
      Debug.Print doc.UNIVERSALID
      MsgBox "受信ボックスが開いていません"
    End If
    MsgBox "開かれたViewはありません"
  End If

  If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source
  On Error GoTo 0
  On Error Resume Next
  Set session = Nothing
  Set ws = Nothing
End Sub


'Universal ID 指定でメール文書を開く
Sub openDocByUID()
    Dim session As Object, DB As Object, doc As Object
    Dim server As String, mailFile As String
    Dim ws As Object
    Dim docID As String
    Dim uidoc As Object
    On Error GoTo errorHandle
    Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
    Set DB = session.GETDATABASE(server, mailFile)
    If Not DB.IsOpen Then DB.OPENMAIL
    server = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailServer", True)
    mailFile = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailFile", True)
    docID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    Set uidoc = ws.EDITDOCUMENT(True, doc, False)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source
    On Error GoTo 0
    On Error Resume Next
    Set DB = Nothing
    Set session = Nothing
    Set ws = Nothing
End Sub



Sub getOpenDocInfo()
  Dim doc As Object 'NotesDocument
  Dim ws As Object 'NotesUIWorkspace
  Dim uidoc As Object
  On Error GoTo errorHandle
  Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
  Set uidoc = ws.CURRENTDOCUMENT
  Set doc = uidoc.DOCUMENT
  Debug.Print doc.UNIVERSALID                 'これをキーに追加/更新
  Debug.Print doc.PARENTDATABASE.Title        'これで目的の文書類かチェックできる
  Debug.Print doc.GETITEMVALUE("Subject")(0)  '値の取得
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source
  On Error GoTo 0
  On Error Resume Next
  Set ws = Nothing
End Sub



Sub myGetViews()
    Dim session As Object, db As Object
    Dim server As String, notesDB As String
    Dim items As Variant, docs As Variant, views As Variant
    Dim view As Object, doc As Object, item As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    server = "hoge/hoge/hoge"
    notesDB = "hoge.nsf"
    Set db = session.GetDatabase(server, notesDB)
    If Not db.IsOpen Then db.Open
    views = db.views
    For i = LBound(views) To UBound(views)
      Debug.Print views(i).Name
    Next i
End Sub


' 目的Formの確認の仕方
' 1.ビューで文書を選択する。(今回は個別文書を閲覧用に開いたビュー=フォームとなる)
' 2.[ファイル]>[プロパティ]をクリック。
' 3.[プロパティ] ダイアログボックスで、プロパティの種類として[文書]が表示されていることを確認。
'  表示されていない場合は、矢印をクリックして選択する。
' 4.[フィールド]タブをクリックする。→フィールドのリストが表示される。
' 5.左側のパネルで[フォーム]を選択。 右側のパネルの下部にフォームの名前が引用符に囲まれて表示される。

Sub myGetFroms()
    Dim session As Object, db As Object
    Dim server As String, notesDB As String
    Dim forms As Variant, docs As Variant, views As Variant
    Dim form As Variant, doc As Object, item As Object
    Dim fields As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim aliases As Variant
    Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    server = "hoge/hoge/hoge"
    notesDB = "hoge.nsf"
    Set db = session.GetDatabase(server, notesDB)
    If Not db.IsOpen Then db.Open
    forms = db.forms
    For i = LBound(forms) To UBound(forms)
    'Objectではなく、String型の配列なので注意 Setだとエラーになる
      aliases = forms(i).aliases
      Debug.Print forms(i).Name,
      If Not IsEmpty(aliases) Then Debug.Print aliases(0)
    Next i
End Sub



Sub myGetFields()
    Dim session As Object, db As Object
    Dim server As String, notesDB As String
    Dim forms As Variant, docs As Variant, views As Variant
    Dim form As Variant, doc As Object, item As Object
    Dim fields As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim aliases As Variant
    Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    server = "hoge/hoge/hoge"
    notesDB = "hoge.nsf"
    Set db = session.GetDatabase(server, notesDB)
    If Not db.IsOpen Then db.Open
    forms = db.forms
    For i = LBound(forms) To UBound(forms)
      If forms(i).Name = "hoge" Then
        Set form = forms(i)
      End If
    Next i
    fields = form.fields
    For j = LBound(fields) To UBound(fields)
      Debug.Print fields(j)
    Next j
End Sub


Sub myGetFieldName()
    Dim session As Object, db As Object
    Dim server As String, notesDB As String, user As String, usersig As String
    Dim items As Variant, docs As Variant, views As Variant
    Dim view As Object, doc As Object, item As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Dim myDic As Object
    Dim buf As Variant
    Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    Set myDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    setDictionary myDic
    server = "hoge/hgoge/hoge"
    notesDB = "hoge.nsf"
    Set db = session.GetDatabase(server, notesDB)
    If Not db.IsOpen Then db.Open
    Set view = db.GetView("ビューの名称")
    Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
    items = doc.items
    For i = LBound(items) To UBound(items)
      buf = Split(myDic(CStr(items(i).Type)), ",")
      Debug.Print items(i).Name, items(i).Type, buf(0), buf(1)
    Next i
    Set myDic = Nothing
End Sub


Sub dataInputTest()
  Dim targetRange As Range
  Dim sh As Worksheet
  Dim session As Object, db As Object
  Dim server As String, notesDB As String
  Dim items As Variant, docs As Variant, views As Variant
  Dim view As Object, doc As Object
  Dim i As Long
  Dim ws As Object
  Dim viewName As String
  Dim uidoc As Object
  Dim uiview As Object
  Dim richItem As Object
  Dim attachName As String
  Dim attach As Object
  Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
  Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
  server = "hoge/hoge/hoge"
  notesDB = "hoge.nsf"
  Set db = session.GetDatabase(server, notesDB)
  If Not db.IsOpen Then db.Open
  viewName = "Viewの名称"
  Call ws.OpenDatabase(server, notesDB, viewName)
  Set doc = db.CreateDocument()
  doc.form = "hoge"
  Set uiview = ws.CURRENTVIEW
  Set uidoc = ws.EDITDOCUMENT(True, doc, False)
  Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("InputTest")
  'A列        B列   C列               D列
  'fieldName  Type  Type Description  TestData <- Label
  'Form       1280  Text              3
  '$Fonts     1     RICHTEXT          4
  'From       1280  Text              5
  '対応する値 有/無 等を与える必要があるらしく、一品料理となる
  With sh
    Set targetRange = Range(.Range("A2"), .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Resize(, 4)
  End With
  With targetRange
    For i = 1 To .Rows.Count
      Select Case .Cells(i, 2).Value
      Case myNotesType.Text
'        Call uidoc.document.ReplaceItemValue(.Cells(i, 1).Value, CStr(.Cells(i, 4).Value))
        If .Cells(i, 4).Value <> "" Then
          uidoc.FIELDSETTEXT .Cells(i, 1).Value, CStr(.Cells(i, 4).Value)
        End If
      Case myNotesType.RICHTEXT
        If .Cells(i, 4).Value <> "" Then
          uidoc.FIELDSETTEXT .Cells(i, 1).Value, CStr(.Cells(i, 4).Value)
        End If
'		下記はRichTextItemに添付ファイルをつけるコードであるが、脚注の様なところに添付されてしまって、期待した動作をしない。        
'        If .Cells(i, 1).Value = "hoge" Then
'          uidoc.Save
'          Set richItem = uidoc.document.GetFirstItem("hoge")
'          attachName = GetDesktopPath & "\" & "testFile.pdf"
'          Set attach = richItem.EmbedObject(myNotesType.EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", attachName)  '1454
'        End If
      Case Else
      End Select
    Next i
  End With
  uidoc.Save True, True
  If Not uiview Is Nothing Then uiview.Close
  Set uidoc = Nothing
  Set uiview = Nothing
  Set db = Nothing
  Set session = Nothing
  Set ws = Nothing
End Sub



Sub copyUidoc2newDoc()
  Dim doc As Object 'NotesDocument
  Dim newDoc As Object
  Dim ws As Object 'NotesUIWorkspace
  Dim uidoc As Object
  Dim items As Variant, item As Object
  Dim i As Long
  Dim uidb As Object
  Dim richItem As Object
  Dim attaches As Variant
  Dim attach As Object
  Dim attachName As String
  On Error GoTo errorHandle
  Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
  Set uidoc = ws.CURRENTDOCUMENT
  If uidoc Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "複写元の文書を開いてから実行してください。"
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Set doc = uidoc.document
  Set uidb = uidoc.document.ParentDatabase
  Set newDoc = uidb.CreateDocument
  doc.CopyAllItems newDoc, True
  newDoc.Save True, False
  Set uidoc = Nothing
  Set uidoc = ws.EDITDOCUMENT(True, newDoc, False)
  Set item = newDoc.GetFirstItem("name_1")
  item.Values(0) = "test"
  Set richItem = newDoc.GetFirstItem("faile")
  If newDoc.HASEMBEDDED Then
    attaches = Empty
    On Error Resume Next
    attaches = richItem.EMBEDDEDOBJECTS
    On Error GoTo 0
    If IsArray(attaches) Then
      For i = LBound(attaches) To UBound(attaches)
        If attaches(i).Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT Then '1454
          Set attach = attaches(i)
'          Debug.Print attach.Name
'          attach.ExtractFile "E:\" & attach.Name
          attach.Remove  '添付ファイルの除去
          Set attach = Nothing
        End If
      Next i
    End If
  End If
  attachName = GetDesktopPath & "\" & "hoge.pdf"
  Set attach = richItem.EmbedObject(myNotesType.EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", attachName)  '1454
  newDoc.Save True, False
  Set uidoc = ws.EDITDOCUMENT(True, newDoc, False)
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print Err.Number & Err.description & Err.Source
  On Error GoTo 0
  On Error Resume Next
  Set ws = Nothing
End Sub


' ショートカットのリンク先サーバー移行の援用
' 開いているNotes文書の添付ファイルがショートカットであれば
' 元ファイルを取得して、対照表により新サーバーにコピーし
' 新サーバー上のファイルのショートカットを生成して
' デスクトップのLinkFilesフォルダーに収納する。
' ノーツにはLinkFilesフォルダーから切り貼りする

Const EMBED_OBJECT = 1453

Type fileInfo
  serverFolder As String
  subFolder As String
  fileName As String
End Type

Sub replaceAttachedShortcut()
  Dim doc As Object 'NotesDocument
  Dim ws As Object 'NotesUIWorkspace
  Dim uidoc As Object
  Dim items As Variant, item As Object
  Dim i As Long, j As Long
  Dim uidb As Object
  Dim richItem As Object
  Dim attaches As Variant
  Dim attach As Object
  Dim attachName As String
  Dim mileStone As Long
  Dim myTempPath As String 'Windowsのテンポラリパス
  Dim tempAttachPath As String
  Dim oldSubstanceFullPath As String '現在のショートカットファイルの参照先ファイル(実体)のフルパス
  Dim newSubstanceFullPath As String '移行後の 〃
  Dim lnkFileInfo As fileInfo 'ショートカットファイルの参照先のフルパスを分解した構造体
  Dim serverPathCell As Range '現サーバーをワークシートで検索して見つかったセル
  Dim newServerPath As String
  Dim subFolders As Variant '\でSplitしたフォルダーを収納
  Dim subFolder As String
  Dim msgboxAnswer As Long 'msgbox(vbYesNoの戻り値)
  Dim linkFileFolder As String '新規生成したショートカットを収納するフォルダー(デスクトップに生成)
  Dim FSO As Object
  'File System Object 特殊フォルダー取得用
  Const TemporaryFolder = 2  ' テンポラリフォルダ。環境変数TMPより取得
  Const targetDB As String = "hoge"
  On Error GoTo errorHandle
  Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  myTempPath = FSO.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
  Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
  Set uidoc = ws.CURRENTDOCUMENT
  If uidoc Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "複写元の文書を開いてから実行してください。"
    GoTo errorHandle
  End If
  Set doc = uidoc.document
  Set uidb = uidoc.document.ParentDatabase
  If Not uidb.Title = targetDB Then
    MsgBox targetDB & " の文書が対象です" & vbCrLf & "処理を打ち切ります"
    GoTo errorHandle
  End If
  linkFileFolder = GetDesktopPath & "\LinkFiles"
  If FSO.folderexists(linkFileFolder) Then
    If FSO.GetFolder(linkFileFolder).Files.Count > 1 Then
        Dim 結果 As Long
      msgboxAnswer = MsgBox("LinkFilesフォルダーを初期化しますか?", vbYesNo)
      If msgboxAnswer = vbNo Then
        MsgBox "処理を中断します。"
        GoTo errorHandle
      End If
      FSO.DeleteFolder linkFileFolder
      FSO.CreateFolder linkFileFolder
    End If
    FSO.CreateFolder linkFileFolder
  End If
  Set richItem = doc.GetFirstItem("Body")
    attaches = Empty
    On Error Resume Next
    attaches = richItem.EMBEDDEDOBJECTS
    On Error GoTo 0
    If IsArray(attaches) Then
      For i = LBound(attaches) To UBound(attaches)
        If attaches(i).Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT Then '1454
          Set attach = attaches(i)
          If LCase(FSO.GetExtensionName(attach.Name)) = "lnk" Then
            tempAttachPath = myTempPath & "\" & "tempAttach.lnk"
            attach.ExtractFile tempAttachPath
             oldSubstanceFullPath = getShortcutPath(tempAttachPath)
            lnkFileInfo = splitFilePath(oldSubstanceFullPath)
            Set serverPathCell = Sheets("comparativeTable").UsedRange.Find(What:=lnkFileInfo.serverFolder, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
            If Not serverPathCell Is Nothing Then
              newServerPath = serverPathCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
              If Not FSO.folderexists(newServerPath & lnkFileInfo.subFolder) Then
                subFolders = Split(lnkFileInfo.subFolder, "\")
                subFolder = ""
                For j = 1 To UBound(subFolders)
                  subFolder = subFolder & "\" & subFolders(j)
                  Debug.Print newServerPath & subFolder
                  If Not FSO.folderexists(newServerPath & subFolder) Then
                    FSO.CreateFolder newServerPath & subFolder
                  End If
                Next j
              End If
              newSubstanceFullPath = newServerPath & lnkFileInfo.subFolder & "\" & lnkFileInfo.fileName
              If Not FSO.FileExists(newSubstanceFullPath) Then FSO.copyfile oldSubstanceFullPath, newSubstanceFullPath
              makeShortCut newSubstanceFullPath, attach.Name
'              Set attach = richItem.EmbedObject(EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", newServerPath & lnkFileInfo.subFolder & "\" & lnkFileInfo.fileName)
'              doc.Save True, False
            End If
          End If

          Set attach = Nothing
        End If
      Next i
    End If
  End If
  MsgBox "処理終了しました。"
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source
  On Error GoTo 0
  On Error Resume Next
  Set ws = Nothing
  Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub

Function splitFilePath(fileFullPath As String) As fileInfo
  Dim firstBackSlash As Long, secondBackSlash As Long, lastBackSlash As Long
  firstBackSlash = InStr(3, fileFullPath, "\")
  secondBackSlash = InStr(firstBackSlash + 1, fileFullPath, "\")
  splitFilePath.serverFolder = Left(fileFullPath, secondBackSlash - 1)
  lastBackSlash = InStrRev(fileFullPath, "\")
  splitFilePath.subFolder = Mid(fileFullPath, secondBackSlash, lastBackSlash - secondBackSlash)
  splitFilePath.fileName = Right(fileFullPath, Len(fileFullPath) - lastBackSlash)
End Function

Sub makeShortCut(linkFileFullPath As String, attachName As String)
    Dim WSH, LnkFile, LnkFileName As String
    Dim targetFolder As String
    Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    targetFolder = WSH.SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\LinkFiles\"
    LnkFileName = targetFolder & "\" & attachName
    Set LnkFile = WSH.CreateShortcut(LnkFileName)
    LnkFile.TargetPath = linkFileFullPath
    Set LnkFile = Nothing
    Set WSH = Nothing
End Sub

Function getShortcutPath(lnkFilePath As String) As String
    Dim WSH, LnkFile, DeskTopPath As String, LnkFileName As String
    Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set LnkFile = WSH.CreateShortcut(lnkFilePath)
    getShortcutPath = LnkFile.TargetPath
    Set LnkFile = Nothing
    Set WSH = Nothing
End Function

Private Function GetDesktopPath() As String
  Dim wScriptHost As Object, strInitDir As String
  Set wScriptHost = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
  GetDesktopPath = wScriptHost.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
  Set wScriptHost = Nothing
End Function


' 既存文書の値を読込み新規文書に必要な情報をコピーして移行処理を行う
' この際、版数を上げたり、セルを繰り上げたりしてアレンジする
' ノーツ操作の邪魔にならない様にExcelを非表示にして、UserFormだけで操作する
' 従って、UserFormモジュールに記述

Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Const HWND_TOPMOST As Long = -1
Private Const SWP_NOSIZE As Long = &H1&
Private Const SWP_NOMOVE As Long = &H2&

Dim dic As Object
Dim notesDB As Object
Dim session as Object

Private Sub inputButton_Click()
  Dim doc As Object 'NotesDocument
  Dim ws As Object 'NotesUIWorkspace
  Dim uidoc As Object
  Dim wbk As Workbook
  Dim sh As Worksheet
  Dim mycell As Range
  Dim targetRange As Range
  Dim myKeys As Variant
  Dim myKey As Variant
  On Error GoTo errorHandle
  Set wbk = ThisWorkbook
  Set sh = wbk.Worksheets("work")
  With sh
    Set targetRange = .Range(.Range("A1"), .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
  End With
  Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  For Each mycell In targetRange.Cells
    dic.Add mycell.Value, Empty
  Next mycell
  myKeys = dic.keys
  Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
  Set uidoc = ws.CURRENTDOCUMENT
  Set doc = uidoc.DOCUMENT
  Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
  If doc.parentdatabase.Title <> "hogeB" Then
    MsgBox "意図したDBの文書ではありません"
    Exit Sub
  End If
' データ取込
  For Each myKey In myKeys
    dic(myKey) = uidoc.FieldGetText(myKey)
  Next myKey
  Me.TextBox1.Value = dic("name_1")
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    MsgBox "Error:" & Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source
    Application.Visible = True
  End If

  On Error GoTo 0
  On Error Resume Next
  Set ws = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub outputButton_Click()
  Dim newDoc As Object 'NotesDocument
  Dim ws As Object 'NotesUIWorkspace
  Dim uidoc As Object
  Dim buf As Variant
  Dim myKeys As Variant
  Dim myKey As Variant
  Dim buf2 As String
  Dim revNo As Long
  Dim items as Object
  Dim i as long
  On Error GoTo errorHandle
  Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
  Set newDoc = notesDB.createDocument
  Set uidoc = ws.EDITDOCUMENT(True, newDoc, False)
  items = uidoc.Document.items
  For i=LBound(items) to UBound(items)
  	if items(i).IsAuthors = True then items(i).AppendToTextList(session.UserName)
  next i
  uidoc.Save True, True
  myKeys = dic.keys
  For Each myKey In myKeys
    Select Case True
      Case (myKey Like "rev?")
        revNo = Val(Replace(myKey, "rev", ""))
        If revNo > 2 Then
          uidoc.FieldsetText "rev" & CStr(revNo - 1), dic(myKey)
          uidoc.FieldsetText myKey, dic(myKey)
        End If
      Case (myKey Like "hoge_?")
      Case Else
        uidoc.FieldsetText myKey, dic(myKey)
    End Select
  Next myKey
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    MsgBox "Error:" & Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source
    Application.Visible = True
  End If

  On Error GoTo 0
  On Error Resume Next
  Set ws = Nothing
  Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
  Application.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
  Application.Visible = True
'  Application.WindowState = xlMinimized '機能しない
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
  Call SetWindowPos(GetForegroundWindow, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE)
End Sub



Sub getOpenDocInfo()
  Dim session As Object, DB As Object
  Dim doc As Object 'NotesDocument
  Dim ws As Object 'NotesUIWorkspace
  Dim uidoc As Object
  Dim uiview As Object
  Dim view As Object, item As Object
  Dim items As Variant, docs As Variant, views As Variant
  Dim buf As Variant
  Dim i As Long
  Dim sh As Worksheet
  Dim mycell As Range
  Const RICHTEXT = 1

  On Error GoTo errorHandle
  Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
  Set uidoc = ws.CURRENTDOCUMENT
  Set doc = uidoc.DOCUMENT
  Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("temp")
  Set mycell = sh.Range("A1")
  If doc.parentdatabase.Title <> "hogeDB" Then
    MsgBox "意図したDBの文書ではありません"
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Set DB = doc.parentdatabase

  items = doc.items
  For i = 1 To UBound(items)
    '注:直接 items(i).values(0) はエラーになる。一旦Variant型変数に受ける必要あり。
    buf = items(i).Values
    mycell.Value = items(i).Name

      If IsArray(buf) Then
        mycell.Offset(0, 1).Value = buf(0)
        mycell.Offset(0, 2).Value = IsArray(buf)
        mycell.Offset(0, 1).Value = buf
        mycell.Offset(0, 2).Value = IsArray(buf)
        mycell.Offset(0, 3).Value = items(i).Type
      End If
      Set mycell = mycell.Offset(1, 0)
    DoEvents: DoEvents: DoEvents
  Next i

  If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source
  On Error GoTo 0
  On Error Resume Next
  Set ws = Nothing
End Sub


'データベース(文書構造)の解析用 Part2

'Lotus Domino Objects
'Lotus Notes Automation Classes

Type dbInfo
  title As String
  fileName As String
  path As String
  server As String
End Type

'Module Level Variation
Dim myDic As Object

'Analyze Notes's Database

Sub analyzeDb()
  Dim session As NotesSession
  Dim password As String
  Dim notesDB As NotesDatabase
  Dim serverName As String
  Dim notesDbName As String
  Dim notesDoc As NotesDocument
  Dim notesDocList As NotesDocumentCollection
  Dim currentDbInfo As dbInfo
  Dim blRet As Boolean
  Dim currentDocUid As String
  Dim items As Variant, views As Variant, forms As Variant, aliases As Variant
  Dim itemValues As Variant, itemString As String
  Dim item As NotesItem, view As NotesView, form As NotesForm, alias As String
  Dim wbk As Workbook
  Dim sh As Worksheet, newSheet As Worksheet
  Dim mycell As Range
  Dim shNo As Long, tempNo As Long
  Dim colLabelArray As Variant
  Dim myComment as string
  Dim i As Long, j As Long
  Const myColor As Long = 16764006
  On Error GoTo errHandle
  blRet = getCurrentDbInfo(currentDbInfo)
  If Not blRet Then
    'エラー番号は、0~512 の値はシステムエラー用に予約されているため、
    'ユーザー定義のエラーに使用できるのは、513~65535 の範囲の値。
    Err.Raise 1001, "getCurrentDbInfo", "fault:get current database information"
  End If
  With currentDbInfo
    notesDbName = .path
    serverName = .server
  End With
  Set myDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  setDictionary myDic
  Set wbk = ThisWorkbook
  Set newSheet = wbk.Worksheets.Add(before:=Sheets(1))
  For Each sh In wbk.Worksheets
    If sh.name Like "Analysis[0-9][0-9]" Then
      tempNo = CLng(Right(sh.name, 2))
      If tempNo > shNo Then shNo = tempNo
    End If
  Next sh
  If shNo = 0 Then
    newSheet.name = "Analysis01"
    newSheet.name = "Analysis" & Format(shNo + 1, "00")
  End If
  Set mycell = newSheet.Range("A1")
  colLabelArray = Array("Database Information", "Value")
  With mycell
    For i = 0 To UBound(colLabelArray)
      .Offset(, i).Value = colLabelArray(i)
      .Offset(, i).Interior.Color = myColor
    Next i
    .Offset(1, 0).Value = "Database Name": .Offset(1, 1).Value = currentDbInfo.title
    .Offset(2, 0).Value = "File Name": .Offset(2, 1).Value = currentDbInfo.fileName
    .Offset(3, 0).Value = "Database File Path": .Offset(3, 1).Value = currentDbInfo.path
    .Offset(4, 0).Value = "Server Name": .Offset(4, 1).Value = currentDbInfo.server
  End With
  currentDocUid = getCurrentDocUid
  password = "" '環境に合わせる、パスワードが必要な場合は、設定しておかないと都度ダイアログで訊いてくる。
  Set session = CreateObject("Lotus.Notessession")
  session.Initialize password
  Set notesDB = session.GetDatabase(serverName, notesDbName)
  If Not notesDB.IsOpen Then notesDB.Open
  Set notesDoc = notesDB.GetDocumentByUNID(currentDocUid)
  items = notesDoc.items
  Set item = items(0)
  Debug.Print item.name
  Set mycell = newSheet.Range("D1")
  colLabelArray = Array("Form Information", "Alias")
  With mycell
    For i = 0 To UBound(colLabelArray)
      .Offset(, i).Value = colLabelArray(i)
      .Offset(, i).Interior.Color = myColor
    Next i
  End With
  forms = notesDB.forms
  For i = LBound(forms) To UBound(forms)
    mycell.Offset(i + 1, 0).Value = forms(i).name
    aliases = forms(i).aliases
    If Not IsEmpty(aliases) Then
      mycell.Offset(i + 1, 1).Value = aliases(0)
    End If
     myComment = ""
    With mycell.Offset(i + 1, 0)
      .Comment.Visible = False
      For j = 0 To UBound(form.Fields)
        If myComment = "" Then
          myComment = form.Fields(j)
          myComment = myComment & Chr(10) & form.Fields(j)
        End If
      Next j
      .Comment.Text Text:=myComment
    End With   
  Next i

  Set mycell = newSheet.Range("G1")
  colLabelArray = Array("View Information")
  With mycell
    For i = 0 To UBound(colLabelArray)
      .Offset(, i).Value = colLabelArray(i)
      .Offset(, i).Interior.Color = myColor
    Next i
  End With
  views = notesDB.views
  For i = LBound(views) To UBound(views)
    mycell.Offset(i + 1, 0).Value = views(i).name
  Next i
  Set notesDoc = notesDB.GetDocumentByUNID(currentDocUid)
  Set mycell = newSheet.Range("I1")
  colLabelArray = Array("Item", "Type", "TypeName", "Values Length")
  With mycell
    For i = 0 To UBound(colLabelArray)
      .Offset(, i).Value = colLabelArray(i)
      .Offset(, i).Interior.Color = myColor
    Next i
  End With
  items = notesDoc.items
  For i = LBound(items) To UBound(items)
    With items(i)
      itemValues = .Values
      mycell.Offset(i + 1, 0).Value = .name
      mycell.Offset(i + 1, 1).Value = .Type
      mycell.Offset(i + 1, 2).Value = myDic(CStr(.Type))
      If IsArray(itemValues) Then
        mycell.Offset(i + 1, 3).Value = UBound(itemValues)
        mycell.Offset(i + 1, 3).Value = "Not Array"
      End If
    End With
  Next i
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Debug.Print Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source
  End If
  On Error GoTo 0
  On Error Resume Next
  Set session = Nothing
End Sub

Function getCurrentDbInfo(myDbInfo As dbInfo) As Boolean
  Dim ws As Object
  Dim uidoc As Object, doc As Object
  Dim db As Object
  On Error GoTo errHandle
  Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
  Set uidoc = ws.CURRENTDOCUMENT
  If uidoc Is Nothing Then
    'msgbox "No Notes Document Open!"
    GoTo errHandle
  End If
  Set doc = uidoc.Document
  Set db = doc.ParentDatabase
  With myDbInfo
    .title = db.title
    .fileName = db.fileName
    .path = db.FilePath
    .server = db.server
  End With
  getCurrentDbInfo = True
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Debug.Print Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source
    getCurrentDbInfo = False
  End If
  On Error GoTo 0
  On Error Resume Next
  Set doc = Nothing
  Set uidoc = Nothing
  Set ws = Nothing
End Function

Function getCurrentDocUid() As String
  Dim ws As Object
  Dim uidoc As Object, doc As Object
  On Error GoTo errHandle
  Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
  Set uidoc = ws.CURRENTDOCUMENT
  If uidoc Is Nothing Then
    'msgbox "No Notes Document Open!"
    GoTo errHandle
  End If
  Set doc = uidoc.Document

  getCurrentDocUid = doc.UniversalID
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Debug.Print Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source
    getCurrentDocUid = ""
  End If
  On Error GoTo 0
  On Error Resume Next
  Set doc = Nothing
  Set uidoc = Nothing
  Set ws = Nothing
End Function

Sub setDictionary(myDic As Object)
End Sub

Const EMBED_ATTACHMENT As Integer = 1454


Public Sub SendNotesMail()
    Dim wkNSes As Object    ' lotus.NOTESSESSION
    Dim wkNDB As Object     ' lotus.NOTESDATABASE
    Dim wkNDoc As Object    ' lotus.NOTESDOCUMENT
    Dim wkNRtItem As Object ' lotus.NOTESRICHTEXTITEM
    Dim wkNAtt As Object    ' lotus.NOTESEMBEDDEDOBJECT
    Dim AttFName As String  ' 添付ファイル名(フルパス)

    ' Notesのセッションを起動する
    Set wkNSes = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    ' NotesDatabaseオブジェクトを作成し、そのデータベースを開く
    Set wkNDB = wkNSes.GETDATABASE("", "")
    ' NotesDBをユーザーのメールDBに割り当てた後に開く

    ' NotesDBに文書を作成し、新規文書をオブジェクト変数にセットする
    ' 件名をセットする
    wkNDoc.Subject = "テスト(タイトル)"
    ' 宛先をセットする
    wkNDoc.SendTo = Array("abc@def.ghi.com")
    'wkNDoc.CopyTo = Array("xxx@xxx")
    'wkNDoc.blindCopyTo = Array("xxx@xxx")

    ' 文書にリッチテキストアイテムを作成する
    Set wkNRtItem = wkNDoc.CreateRichTextItem("BODY")
    ' 本文をセットする
    With wkNRtItem
        .APPENDTEXT "本文(1行目)"
        .ADDNEWLINE 1
        .APPENDTEXT "本文(2行目)"
        .ADDNEWLINE 2
        ' 添付ファイル名をセットする
        AttFName = getDesktopPath & "\Book1.xlsx"
        ' ファイルを添付する
        Set wkNAtt = .EmbedObject(EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", AttFName)
        .ADDTAB 1
        .ADDNEWLINE 1
    End With

    ' メールを送信する
    wkNDoc.Send False

    ' オブジェクト変数を解放する
    Set wkNAtt = Nothing
    Set wkNRtItem = Nothing
    Set wkNDoc = Nothing
    Set wkNDB = Nothing
    Set wkNSes = Nothing

    MsgBox "メール発信", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
End Sub


Public Sub makeNotesMail()
    Dim wkNSes As Object    ' lotus.NOTESSESSION
    Dim wkNDB As Object     ' lotus.NOTESDATABASE
    Dim wkNDoc As Object    ' lotus.NOTESDOCUMENT
    Dim wkNRtItem As Object ' lotus.NOTESRICHTEXTITEM
    Dim wkNAtt As Object    ' lotus.NOTESEMBEDDEDOBJECT
    Dim AttFName As String  ' 添付ファイル名(フルパス)
    Dim ws As Object 'NotesUIWorkspace
    Dim uidoc As Object
    ' Notesのセッションを起動する
    Set wkNSes = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
    ' NotesDatabaseオブジェクトを作成し、そのデータベースを開く
    Set wkNDB = wkNSes.GETDATABASE("", "")
    ' NotesDBをユーザーのメールDBに割り当てた後に開く

    ' NotesDBに文書を作成し、新規文書をオブジェクト変数にセットする
    ' 件名をセットする
    wkNDoc.Subject = "テスト(タイトル)"
    ' 宛先をセットする
    wkNDoc.SendTo = Array("abc@def.ghi.com")
    'wkNDoc.CopyTo = Array("xxx@xxx")
    'wkNDoc.blindCopyTo = Array("xxx@xxx")

    ' 文書にリッチテキストアイテムを作成する
    Set wkNRtItem = wkNDoc.CreateRichTextItem("BODY")
    ' 本文をセットする
    ' VBAでやる場合は、普通に文字列bufとかに、vbCrLfを介して文字を入れてやって
    ' wkNRtItem.APPENDTEXT buf で一丁上がり
    With wkNRtItem
        .APPENDTEXT "本文(1行目)"
        .ADDNEWLINE 1
        .APPENDTEXT "本文(2行目)"
        .ADDNEWLINE 2
        ' 添付ファイル名をセットする
        AttFName = getDesktopPath & "\Book1.xlsx"
        ' ファイルを添付する
        Set wkNAtt = .EmbedObject(EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", AttFName)
        .ADDTAB 1
        .ADDNEWLINE 1
    End With
    ' メールを保存する。これをやらないとRichItemの編集が表示されない
    wkNDoc.Save False, False
    ' メールを編集状態にする
    Set uidoc = ws.EDITDOCUMENT(True, wkNDoc, False)

    ' オブジェクト変数を解放する
    Set wkNAtt = Nothing
    Set wkNRtItem = Nothing
    Set wkNDoc = Nothing
    Set uidoc = Nothing
    Set wkNDB = Nothing
    Set wkNSes = Nothing
    Set ws = Nothing

End Sub

Private Function getDesktopPath() As String
    Dim Path As String, WSH As Variant
    Set WSH = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    getDesktopPath = WSH.SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\"
    Set WSH = Nothing
End Function