- ホーム
- clGdiPlus
- Exifからサムネイル取得
Private Sub test()
Dim lData As Variant
Dim TFile As String
Dim clGdip As clgdiplus
Dim lretHBITMAP As Long
Dim tagArray As Variant
Set clGdip = New clgdiplus
TFile = "C:\IMG_1234.JPG"
' 新しいファイルを開く
clGdip.OpenFile TFile
Range("A1").Value = "画像のサイズ"
Range("B1").Value = clGdip.GetExifData(TagImageWidth) & " x " & clGdip.GetExifData(TagImageHeight)
Range("A2").Value = "ISO感度"
Range("B2").Value = Format(clGdip.GetExifData(TagISOSpeedRatings), "\I\S\O 000")
Range("A3").Value = "機種名"
Range("B3").Value = clGdip.GetExifData(TagEquipModel)
Range("A4").Value = "メーカー"
Range("B4").Value = clGdip.GetExifData(TagEquipMake)
Range("A5").Value = "撮影日時"
Range("B5").Value = Format(clGdip.GetExifData(TagDateTimeOriginal), "yyyy/mm/dd" & " " & "hh:nn:ss")
Range("A6").Value = "シャッター速度"
lData = clGdip.GetExifData(TagExposureTime)
If Not IsNull(lData) Then
If lData(1) > lData(0) Then
Range("B6").Value = "1/" & Int(lData(1) / lData(0)) & " seconds"
Range("B6").Value = Int(lData(0) / lData(1)) & " seconds"
End If
Range("B6").Value = ""
End If
Range("A7").Value = "絞り値"
lData = clGdip.GetExifData(TagFNumber)
If Not IsNull(lData) Then
Range("B7").Value = Format(lData(0) / lData(1), "F0.0")
Range("B7").Value = Null
End If
Range("A8").Value = "Flash"
lData = clGdip.GetExifData(TagFlash)
If Not IsNull(lData) Then
Range("B8").Value = IIf(Mid(lData, 8, 1) = "1", "Flash 発光", "Flash 非発光")
Range("B8").Value = Range("B8").Value & vbCrLf & Switch(Mid(lData, 4, 2) = "00", "モード不詳", _
Mid(lData, 4, 2) = "01", "Flash forced", _
Mid(lData, 4, 2) = "10", "Flash deactive", _
Mid(lData, 4, 2) = "11", "Flash auto")
Range("B8").Value = Range("B8").Value & vbCrLf & Switch(Mid(lData, 2, 1) = "0", "Red anti-eyes deactive", _
Mid(lData, 2, 1) = "1", "Red anti-eyes active")
Range("B8").Value = ""
End If
' サムネイル画像をクリップボード経由でワークシートに貼り付ける
' 少々まだるっこしい感あり。
Range("A9").Value = "Thumbnail"
lretHBITMAP = HBitmapFromPicture(clGdip.GetExifData(TagThumbnailData))
If OpenClipboard(0) <> 0 Then
SetClipboardData CF_BITMAP, lretHBITMAP
End If
End Sub
Public Function HBitmapFromPicture(picThis As StdPicture) As Long
' Create a copy of the bitmap:
Dim lhDC As Long
Dim lhDCCopy As Long
Dim lhBmpCopy As Long
Dim lhBmpCopyOld As Long
Dim lhBmpOld As Long
Dim lhDCC As Long
Const vbSrcCopy As Long = 13369376
GetObjectAPI picThis.Handle, Len(tBM), tBM
lhDCC = CreateDCAsNull("DISPLAY", ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)
lhDC = CreateCompatibleDC(lhDCC)
lhBmpOld = SelectObject(lhDC, picThis.Handle)
lhDCCopy = CreateCompatibleDC(lhDCC)
lhBmpCopy = CreateCompatibleBitmap(lhDCC, tBM.bmWidth, tBM.bmHeight)
lhBmpCopyOld = SelectObject(lhDCCopy, lhBmpCopy)
BitBlt lhDCCopy, 0, 0, tBM.bmWidth, tBM.bmHeight, lhDC, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy
If Not (lhDCC = 0) Then DeleteDC lhDCC
If Not (lhBmpOld = 0) Then SelectObject lhDC, lhBmpOld
If Not (lhDC = 0) Then DeleteDC lhDC
If Not (lhBmpCopyOld = 0) Then SelectObject lhDCCopy, lhBmpCopyOld
If Not (lhDCCopy = 0) Then DeleteDC lhDCCopy
HBitmapFromPicture = lhBmpCopy
End Function